Monday, December 18, 2006

No Bail, No Justice

Faisal’s case for his discharge from jail was presented to court today. The judge after listening to the case, ordered the following:

“Present Investigation Officer with record. The accused has been sent to judicial lock. At this stage, application for discharge of the accused can not be allowed. So the prosecution may adopt the given procedure under the law. The application is therefore turned down with the above referred observation”.

So FIA would move proceeding for case cancellation with the court which many take minimum 10-15 days.

Now the bail application of Faisal would be moved to High Court for his early release so that he can at least come out of jail before Eid ul Azha.

Unfortunately, it is very easy to get in, but very difficult to get out from the prison no matter whether you’re innocent and even the case is withdrawn. Judges are not concerned whether someone is spending worst days of his life in a cell for no crime and what’s happening to his family and relatives. They’re more interested in technicalities of the case.

Can there be more ironic a story out there. Poor Faisal, he has been cleared of all charges, but the Judge does not believe that is enough for him to acquit.


binary-zero said...

I must say all ISPPAK should ban and to be opened for their customers as their stand againt Government....

I am so angry to keep myself in ethical limits...

Unknown said...

We do agree and that’s why we want to educate our job seekers, especially fresh graduates about hiring and screen process and common mistakes resulted in job rejection.jobsinpakistanjobsinpakistan